Lockout and Lock Change for Auction House Property

Anthony |10th July, 2023
One of the doors with a new lock I installed

Recently, I had the pleasure of assisting a gentleman from Manchester who won an auction for two properties south of Gateshead. As exciting as his win was, he faced an immediate challenge: there were no keys for either property. Fortunately, being a seasoned emergency locksmith in Gateshead, I was just the person he needed.

The gentleman reached out to me after being referred by another locksmith who specialised in automotive locks and was unable to take on the job. Understanding the urgency of the situation, we quickly discussed the specifics over the phone. He needed someone who could handle the situation promptly and with the utmost care to avoid any damage to his new properties.

Non-Destructive Entry Locksmith

Upon arrival at the properties, I assessed the locks on both the front and back doors. My goal was to gain access in a non-destructive manner, a standard practice for any experienced 24-hour emergency locksmith. Within just one minute, I managed to open each door without causing any harm to the door mechanisms—an essential detail for property owners who wish to avoid additional repairs.

Lock Change

Following the successful entry, the next step was to change the locks. This process was also executed swiftly. Each lock was replaced, and I provided the gentleman with a new set of five keys for each lock, ensuring he had ample copies for his needs.

The client was particularly impressed with the speed, reliability, and professionalism of my services. It was his first time working with a locksmith from Gateshead, and he appreciated the smooth and efficient resolution to his lockout emergency.

My Locksmithing Services

As the owner of AD Locksmithing, I pride myself on providing top-notch lock fitting and emergency services to all my clients. Whether you're locked out of your property or need a complete lock overhaul, my goal is to offer reliable and quick solutions around the clock.

If you ever find yourself in a similar situation or need expert locksmith services in Gateshead, do not hesitate to contact me. As AD Locksmithing, I ensure that you're never left out in the cold. Call me today for immediate assistance!

 | Updated: 9th February, 2024
