I must say, this was one of the more interesting jobs I had gotten recently. Most lockouts are kind of the same for your average Locksmith in Newcastle:
pick a lock, use dedicated tools, and open the door. Here, it was a bit of a different story, in the way that most common tools were not going to work. Here is the set-up:
Apartment door working on fob only, meaning tenants only have a fob to access and egress their flat, and that’s it. No keys. See below for a visual. Unfortunately, today’s customer left his fob inside, and went out for the night.

Now, I don’t expect the average reader to know about most tools Locksmiths in Newcastle use, but let’s just put it this way: no slipping the latch, no letterbox tool, no lock bypass, no standard UDT, and of course, as a gold standard in any lock out situation, no destruction unless absolutely necessary.
I must say, my first attempt was to reveal the emergency mechanical override and try to pick it, but I did not manage to do that. Good, another excellent reason to continue practicing my picking skills on the bench.
I ended up getting the open by combining two different bypass techniques that would normally not work by themselves, but managed to adapt them through out of the box thinking. See picture below:

I ended up talking about this job on private locksmith forums and was
surprised to see a colleague comment the following about this locked-out in Newcastle situation:

For all your Locksmith enquiries, get in touch at 07865 367298 with AD Locksmithing, looking forward to hearing from you!
Published: 15th December, 2023 | Updated: 9th February, 2024