Much Needed Door Lock Upgrade In Gateshead

Anthony |20th November, 2023

Most reported burglaries in the UK happen by one of two situations: you either forgot to lock your door, and they got in without the need to force the lock, or they successfully snapped your lock to gain entry to your property.

Today’s customer had just bought this property and called a Locksmith from Gateshead to change his door lock. Wise move: you never know who may have copies of your keys.

Upon removing the old lock from the door, I noticed it did not have any protection against forced entry such as snapping. I then explained to him why this was an actual problem, and let him know that all the locks I fit come with an anti-snap as standard. See the difference between no anti-snap and anti-snap locks below:

The beauty of such a simple difference is that if someone tries to snap your lock, only the front of it will come off, as long as said lock has an anti snap. If it does not, then the entire lock will come off the door, granting easy entry to pretty much anybody.

Now, back to the job in question. Any new locks in Gateshead fitted by myself will come with an anti-snap, and this one was no exception. A much-needed security upgrade for this property, which is now a lot more secure against snapping attacks.

All locks fitted also come with 5 keys and a 1-year warranty as standard.

If you ever need a Locksmith from Gateshead to change or upgrade locks at your home, feel free to give me a call at 07865 367298 and let me know what you need!

 | Updated: 9th February, 2024
